School Cafeteria Survey Analysis
School Cafeteria Survey Analysis My research topic:School Cafeteria Target: Kwansei Gakuin University students Number of respondents:(4) (Summary) Students answered 7 questions about school cafeteria (Result) Graph #1 shows that no student uses the school cafeteria. We can see that both "Often" and "Sometime" were answered by 50% of the students, and "Never" by zero. This result indicates that school cafeterias are not unpopular with students. #1 Graph#2 shows how many times a week students use the school cafeteria. The results are cleanly divided, with 50% of the students going every weekday and 50% going only once during the week. This is a very interesting result. #2 Graph#3 shows the most popular menu items in the school cafeteria. The most popular menu item was udon. I thought the reason for its popularity was its low price. #3 List#4 shows the menu items that students would like to see added to the school cafeteria. These results indicate that stude...